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CoFinancial – Investment Group

We Develop Apps for Situational Awareness

CoFinancial Investment Group LLC is a private and independent company dedicated to developing innovative communication solutions that benefit the global community.

Presenting our Two Groundbreaking Apps.

The Eyes of God APP

Eyes of God (EOG)

The Eyes of God (EOG) app ensures swift transmission of crucial information to the community’s emergency responders, enhancing situational awareness. By doing so, it improves the speed and quality of responses from those entrusted with our safety. For example, if you notice a suspicious individual loitering in your neighborhood, you can quickly alert professionals through the EOG app. They can then assess the situation, guide local authorities, and collect video evidence for potential investigations and court proceedings.

Guardian Angel (GA)

The Guardian Angel (GA) app is designed for users who encounter non-emergency issues such as harassment, vehicle mechanical problems, being lost, or other situations requiring notification to family and friends. Users can rely on their selected Guardian Angels for assistance. By tapping the GA app icon, users can notify up to 50 designated Guardian Angels, sharing their location details instantly. This allows nearby Angels to provide support, monitor the situation, and capture video footage if needed, enhancing community safety and support.


The Eyes Of God

The Eyes of God, también conocidos como el 'Ojo que todo lo ve' o el 'Ojo de la Providencia', simbolizan la vigilancia divina del Ser Supremo que cuida de todo el universo. La simbolización se ha utilizado desde la antigüedad para significar la omnisciencia y omnipresencia de Dios y Su poder, preservando y protegiendo el carácter.

aplicación Características

  • Sign in/Sign up
  • Reporting Situational Awareness
  • Reducir/Disuadir Crimen y Violaciones
  • Enhanced Communication with First Responders
  • Provide Sound/Video Evidence
  • Disclose Identity, Location, Cell Phone Number, Date and Time of Incident
  • Additional Functionalities


Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel es una entidad que se asigna para proteger a una persona durante su vida. Este concepto se basa en la idea de que cada persona tiene un protector divino que la vela y la guía durante su vida en la tierra.

aplicación Características

  • Sign in/Sign Up
  • Alert 50 Contacts About your Situation
  • Share your location with GPS for guidance
  • Collect Evidence
  • Deter Harassment
  • Find Comfort in knowing that help is near by

Encuentre más sobre
The Apps

Presenting our two groundbreaking apps

Suscribirse a Nuestro boletín

Al unirnos a la familia CIG, nos convertimos en una comunidad de personas que ayudan a resistir el crimen, la violencia y las malas acciones en nuestras vidas y vecindarios. Convirtiéndonos en un miembro de la familia CIG y adquiriendo The Eyes of God App and/or the Guardian Angel App, seremos más fuertes con los números

Ponerse en contacto